
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Conroe: Day 1 Christmas Eve Dinner Plans

When you are out of town, where to go for a dinner like Christmas Eve dinner is almost as hard as Christmas Day's dinner.  Our first choice was Hugo's,

 but this was high on many people's list too, so we ended up on the waiting list for Hugo's; when we called, they could seat two parties of two, but not at the same time.  We also had other options we were thinking about:

The Walden Yacht Club The are 1/3 of the way up the lake.  They have a fantastic buffet many times during the week.

or the Cozy Grape in downtown Montgomery 

My parents were to meet us here in Key Harbor, but while we were at the Black Bird Bakery back in Bristol, my mother called and said that having driven from Tucson to El Paso they had stopped for the night.  They has gone to dinner at Cheddar's and after dinner she fell and broke her arm.  They were turning back and headed home.  

This is the last time we were all together, Christmas 2015:

Follow up:  Mom did have two fractures in her arm.  It was really painful, and only had to have splints and a sling.  All seems to be headed for a full recovery. 

Amy and I called and changed our waiting list reservations to only 2 people.  This worked, because they called on the 23rd and told us to be there at 6 pm:  Next Post:  Hugo's!!

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